What's your favourite part of summer? Is it the long days? The bright sun? The ice cream?
Or maybe it's the fact that summer is a vacation. Vacations are awesome.
The main character of Mort Ziff Is Not Dead, Norman, agrees. So when he wins a $1,000 in a silly connect-the-dots competition, what do you think he does with it? Yup—he spends it on the best vacation ever!
Norman uses the money to take his whole family on a dream vacation to Miami Beach. They stay in a swanky hotel, enjoy the warm sands, and... help a washed-up comedian restart his career?
Mort Ziff Is Not Dead is the newest read from Canadian author Cary Fagan. We sent a copy of this book to OWLconnected reader Yousuf, 10, for review. Check out Yousuf's take below.
Yousuf's review
The main characters of Mort Ziff Is Not Dead are Norman, Amy, Mort Ziff, Marcus, Larry, Gloria, and Danielle.
I liked that it is funny in its own way, and unusual compared to other books. The main crisis of the story is that Mort Ziff has been fired and is replaced by a pop group called the Centipedes.
An improvement I think the author could make is to add more jokes, because some of the jokes were too spaced out and some were not funny.
I think other kids would want to read this book because of its flashy title, its interesting back cover, and its positive online reviews.
My rating out of ten for it would be an eight because it wasn’t excellent but it was very good.
Available now
Published in August by Puffin Canada.
Thanks for the review, Yousuf!
Mort Ziff Is Not Dead is available now. Ask for it at your local library or bookstore.